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Method of automated construction of a digital relief model
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0657404
The author considers a problem of effective construction of a digital relief model (DRM) for a certain region on the basis of a large number of aerial photographs. Main stages of DRM construction were described. Special attention was paid to increase efficiency of search for the “nearest” (in terms of content) images in the database; it was proposed to use a search scheme based on inverse indexing of images’ unique characteristics and the database organized in the form of a tree of “visual words”. Construction of a lexical tree with the use of hierarchical clusterization of the attribute space, obtained on the basis of SIFT- descriptors, was shown; weighing coefficients of “visual words”, calculated on the principle of TF-IDF (Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency), were taken into account.
Special AWS for designing software for navigation complexes and aerial surveillance
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0585918
This paper is based on the results of investigations of computer-aided design facilities for systems software and software for terrestrial and on-board facilities of aerial surveillance and Earth remote sensing. The article presents a review of typical airplanes used for carrying navigation equipment and aerial surveillance along with the investigation of intelligence equipment, key factors of airplane navigation and hardware properties which determine the quality of intelligence data obtained in different modes of aerial surveillance, special features of intelligence data preprocessing in-flight, peculiarities of ground information system for processing intelligence data and preparing intelligence reports. Configuration of a special AWS was justified.

# 09, September 2012
УДК: 004
77-30569/322927 Analysis of methods and means of controlling Earth remote sensing systems
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
This paper covers the research results oand analysis of methods and means of technical assessment of the condition of Earth remote sensing (ERS) systems during the test and on-stream periods. The obtained results are to provide a basis for further development of testing equipment for Earth remote sensing systems; moreover, they will provide a huge base of technical documentation (standards, guidelines for aircraft equipment testing etc.) for estimation of basic parameters which characterize the efficiency of application of digital observation equipment and their technical condition. The authors proposed a technique of online testing of the transfer function of remote sensing equipment during the on-stream period with a subsequent compensation of defocusing.
77-30569/261314 Method of equipment’s and aerial reconnaissance modes’ system analysis
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
This article is based on the results of the development of method and tools for production of the requirements for navigational equipment, information support and system of aerial reconnaissance aircraft (AC) flight, providing the required quality of recorded aerial films. The research of this development process was carried out considering principal (theoretical) restraints of aerial reconnaissance complexes’ abilities and information technologies, solving problems of recording and recognition of aerial reconnaissance data. Aerial photo equipment (APE), APE stabilizing systems for different carriers and methods of defocused and blurred image reconstruction were also considered in this article.
77-30569/239824 System analisis for the reconnaissance photography complexes
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
This paper covers the study of developing a method and means of creating requirements for navigation equipment, aircraft control systems and aerial reconnaissance systems to ensure the required quality of aerial films. In their research the authors attempted to apply system analysis to airborne prospecting complexes created on the basis of using aerial cameras, particularly digital ones. The goals of this analysis are: support of flight task development for aerial reconnaissance aircrafts in service; support of prospective complexes development subject to real-time use.
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