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Modernization of technology to estimate composite constructional ceramics operational dynamic properties using a hydroabrasive ultrastream
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0701307
The articles concerns the constructional ceramics (CC) diagnostics based on the aluminum oxide. Relevance of the article subject of is caused by the need to have in a technical arsenal of the technologist methods of express-diagnostics, which can be applied at the stage of technological preparation of CC production. Their absence, today, considerably complicates the fine-tuning technology and prohibits from obtaining the latest information about operational dynamic properties of this material. The article presents the comparison results of the micromorpholodgy analysis of KK chips after static and dynamic influence. It analyses the obtained results and draws conclusions on a possibility to use an ultrajet diagnostics method at the stage of production in addition to tests using the solid-state drummers. The article gives justification for efficiency of ultrajet diagnostics methods, considers the prospects of its practical application in manufacturing products from KK.
The problem of wear-resistant coatings quality
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0697616
The article aims at solving a problem concerning the express evaluation of the wear-resistant nanostructure coatings quality using the method of ultra-fluid jet examination. Conducted research activities have shown that an intensity of the coating delamination from the substrate depends on the stress concentration level in the test sample. The proposed informatively methodological procedure of ultra-fluid jet examination will allow prompt estimation of physical-and-mechanical parameters and operational condition of coatings being deposited on samples and passed fatigue loading. The offered procedure can be effectively used for selecting the coating material, substrate, and efficient modes of application.
Study of parameters of hydrosuspension obtained by ultrajetstream processing
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0468067
The article tells about a promising technology for producing suspensions with different functional specifications. The paper is a preliminary compilation of researches conducted at Moscow State University and  Bauman University on scientific rationale and implementation of the innovative potential of superpower jetstream-dynamic hydro-influence on solid body, - in particular, inkjet hydrotechnology for obtaining ultra-fine-dispersed suspensions. Studies were conducted at the expense of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation № and the RFBR grant 12-08-00802-a.
77-30569/342101 Analysis of effectiveness of various personal body armor
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The authors consider the problem which describes high-speed interaction of an inert compact striker with various kinds of obstacles, including combined type barriers. The purpose of the study is, with the aid of mathematical modeling, to find out, what types of obstacles are capable of withstanding high-speed blow. They can be used as armor elements in personal body armor. Mathematical modeling of the process was done in Ansys 12.1 IDE. During the modeling of a high-speed interaction process a continuum mechanics device in two-dimensional axisymmetric setting was used. The authors developed and tested the mathematical model and drew conclusions concerning applicability of the armor elements.
77-30569/325824 Industrial safety through technological capabilities of ultra-jet diagnostics
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
This article deals with the prospective use of diagnostic ultra-fluid jet in order to ensure the safety of industrial plants. The basic approaches to implementation of this technology, its purpose, features, functionally - diagnostic capabilities and etc. were considered in this work. Some results of theoretical and experimental studies were included.
77-30569/229232 Business certification and independent evaluation of quality of training graduates
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
The article considers the problem of creating and implementing a system of certification of graduates and engineering specialists. The basic contradictions that emerged in the socio-educational field in recent years. We propose a list of the main tasks which will effectively and successfully implement the concept of certification in the interests of job market and the individual. It is concluded that the most important step towards ensuring compliance with the requirements of the employer's graduate competencies is the development of appropriate professional standards, primarily for high-tech industries.
United information-analytical system of a professional training for aircraft building branch
Engineering Education # 11, November 2009
The modern science, technics, technology and machine-building manufacture exist in the rigid competitive environment both in the country, and abroad. In such conditions their development and maintenance at high enough competitive level should be based on application and realisation of the innovations.
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