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Engineering Education # 12, December 2010
Structuring the computing and building of computation
Engineering Education # 08, August 2010
Computing and its development sets up the range of questions on the most part from which answers either are incomplete, or unknown. Some of them: what is ‘computation’? What is ‘information’? What is possible to learn, using computing? What cannot be learned, using computing? – have fundamental value. In the present work the main attention is given to finding-out of technological features of computations with objects. Their interaction is considered in applicative environment that allows finding out the internal structure of usual operations which knowledge allows understanding of their properties. The choice of initial constant entities, considered as primary and referred as combinators is discussed. These initial entities are used as the basic “building blocks”, entering in applicative environment in interaction with each other. This interaction results in the constructs, giving representative sets of usual operators and to the embedded computing systems
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