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Physicomechanical properties of snow as cloths of a way for movement of cars
Engineering Education # 10, October 2010
Considered depending on the strain of snow on the normal load, shear resistance of the snow and its frictional properties, as the most important parameters of the snow path, determining the resistance to movement, traction properties and off-road capabilities of the tracked vehicle. Examined quantitative relationships and the nature of the processes of the vertical deformation snow by the flat die. There are given the dependence for determining the immersion of a cylindrical punch in snow. There are proposed four types of snow to assess off-road capabilities of the tracked vehicle. There are introduced the concept of a distributed on the sliding surface of the specific force of friction and the dependences of the specific force of friction on the pressure for low and very low temperatures of various materials. There are given numerical values of the specific friction force  for carbon and alloy steels, duralumin, teflon
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