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Nutless roller screws
Engineering Education # 10, October 2010
    Further adoption of the prospective roller screws is complicated because of the difficulties one can find in the process of its production. The most complicated part of a roller screw is its nut’s high-precise threading. This complication gave birth to the idea of the whole subclass of roller screws – the nutless ones. The article represents the two general designs of nutless roller screws and its analysis. Being compared to the common screws, the nutless ones proved to have a number of shortcomings and a number of advantages at the same time. That is why one can easily find some applications for the newly-invented nutless roller screws. The absence of nuts makes the technology of production much more quick, easy and cheap, and thus gives an opportunity to start production in Russia. After the successful adoption of the nutless roller screws, Russian machine-building plants will easily continue with the common ones
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