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77-30569/367809 Multi-variance of structural solutions for development of technological process of machine processing
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The article refers to the common question of project process multi-variance that can be used in efficient problem solving. The authors consider one of the approaches to multi-variant project solution generation during the development of technological processes of machine processing at the phase of creating the functional structure and operational instruments. It was shown that methodology of the decision-making theory can be used as a means of formally informed choice of the preferred alternative from a set of generated solutions.
Optimization technological planning: biparametricheskaya maxi-mine task
Engineering Education # 04, April 2011
The article refers to the possibility of  technological projects optimization on two opposite parameters (parameters raising and lowering quality of the project).  The schematic analytical optimization method is used for problem solving, based on modeling of designed technological process on directed network, loaded with two weight functions simulating optimized parameters of the designed process. The optimization mechanism includes: modeling of process on directed network; pseudo-hierarchical transformation of network; identification of  the maximum stream on network using the method of cuts; transformation of  pseudo-hierarchical network to the tree of through streams and search of topological configuration of the maximum streams on network; searching the configuration of the required maximum stream of minimum cost. The article also describes an example of practical use of the considered method by modeling the technological process of the maximum productivity and the minimum industrial cost.

Engineering Education # 02, February 2011
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