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77-30569/262333 Research of the structure and properties of multilayer materials based on aluminum alloys
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
 It was shown in the article, that multilayer metallic materials could be composed not only using alloys with different crystal structure, but also using isomorphic components. Metallographic research specified that laminar structure with parallel arrangement of layers of equal thickness was formed in multilayer material consisting of aluminum alloys. Significant reducing of viscosity was detected when simultaneous rising of conditional yield point; this is a characteristic of materials with laminar structure.

Engineering Education # 05, May 2011
The research is devoted to the hot rolling simulation of laminated multilayer material with alternated heterogeneous metal layers. One of the basic objects while producing multilayer material is the selection of the optimal hot rolling parameters such as roll diameter, number of layers, their thickness and the required reduction. The criteria of choosing these parameters is so cold form factor l/hm, the value of this factor determines the distribution of the deformation through the sample height. During the research the unevenness of deformation was analyzed, the experiments of rolling multilayer plasticine with different solidity and colour were carried out.
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