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77-30569/279763 Evaluating the effectiveness of mental-structured educational technology training of technicians
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
The paper examines approaches to assessing the economic efficiency of the new mental-structured educational technology, which is based on the idea that the content of education, need to "adapt" to the psychophysical abilities of students in accordance with the laws of the objectively existing functional systems of the brain. From an economic point of view is assessed in basic contradiction between higher professional education exponentially growing amount of new information and strictly regulated terms of learning how to optimize the objective function to evaluate the effectiveness of new technology. It is shown that implicit in the heart of the new educational technology computer-aided opportunity to obtain quantitative indicators of the quality of training can help achieve the strategic objectives of the educational institution.
Efficiency of thin films deposition in vacuum as object of quality management
Engineering Education # 07, July 2011
Questions of effective quality management system for production with required properties are considered. Methodology of finding key setting of technology process and building quality area which can guarantee getting production with required features is shown by example of multilayers thin films depositions on large area substrates.
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