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Web-oriented intelligent training systems based on the fuzzy pragmatist approach in teaching
Engineering Education # 11, November 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1112.0489620
The author considers a web-oriented computer training system with a fuzzy adaptive model of a student. This system is based on a modified pragmatist approach in teaching, which was called the fuzzy pragmatist approach by the author; in this approach the model of a student and learning process are based on fuzzy knowledge and methods of artificial intelligence. The author proposed two-layer multi-threaded control for a training system, it consists of the following layers: a layer of top-level (main stream), which is responsible for managing training activities and navigating the course, and internal level (secondary flow, here information is processed in the background) which is responsible for adaptation of the model of a student. A unified development process of computer-based training systems with the stage of a didactic design was introduced. The problem of callbacks from the server to the client was tackled in order to deal with non algorithmic problems occurring during the dialogue with PC by means of methods of artificial intelligence in client/server systems with remote server, including learning tasks.
Composition GLOTEON: glossary + thesaurus + ontology
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
We consider the extension of an ontological model of knowledge representation in intelligent systems of computer text recognition. For the proposed extension a special term is introduced (GLOTEON): glossary +  thesaurus + ontology. Use of GLOTEON would increase the efficiency of text recognition both on the basis of an ontological model and on the basis of a domain model. The proposed extension would also extend the "ontological" approach to intelligent systems beyond computer linguistics.
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