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Analysis and Design of Rolling Stock Elements
Engineering Education # 09, September 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0914.0726307
77-30569/348787 Supersonic flutter analysis for axisymmetric shell with meridian as a spline, based on SolidWorks API
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The problem of the supersonic panel flutter for the axisymmetric shell was solved with Mach numbers, above 1.7. This shell was an element of a complex structure, and its meridian was formed with Bezier-spline. FEM was used for the analysis. Aerodynamic pressure was calculated according to the piston theory, but a flow density and velocity had local values corresponding to the non-uniform flow. These parameters were defined by SolidWorks FlowWorks Simulation code, and functions, which were necessary for the analysis of a flutter problem, i.e. formation of the asymmetrical eigenvalue problem, and the analysis of the behavior of the eigenvalues was added to SolidWorks as the AddIn-module with usage of the COM-interface, based on API SolidWorks and API FlowWorks Simulation. The examples are included in this article to illustrate the technique.
Software For Optimum Design Based on SolidWorks API
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
The work covers a method and its software implementation for the optimum design based on API SolidWorks. Optimization functions are approximated step by step by simplified analytical functions the analysis of which does not demand greater computing expenses. The application is realized as the AddIn DLL-module with COM-interface to SolidWorks. Thus SolidWorks is used by the program as a processor to define current parameters of the model and also as pre- and the postprocessor. To illustrate the work gif-animations are included in the paper.
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