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Innovative "KOM-NAMI" gearboxes with mechanical and automatic control
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
The article tells about original constructions of non-blocking synchronizers, planetary space-saving demultiplicators with inbuilt synchronizer and high load-carrying capability, “KOM-NAMI” space-saving gearboxes that were developed on the basis of these devices with prospective qualitative characteristics. There is information about gearboxes for light commercial vehicles, buses and multiple-speed gearboxes for heavy dump trucks and tractor-lorry-trailer combinations. The paper describes clarified analytical dependences that are based on minimal source data available from any advertising pamphlet or catalogue and could be used for estimation of load-carrying capability of an aggregate or its elements. This could be used for calculating of metrics impartial assessment including gears contact and bending durability factors that are necessary for design of new and prospective gearboxes.
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