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The use of STAR-CCM in order to clarify the hydraulic conditions around thermocouple placed at the inlet of nuclear fuel assembly TVS-2M
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
In article summarized the main steps for creating a computational model, preparation of a solid model in Solidworks and mesh in STAR-CCM. Author outlines the main assumptions made in mathematical and physical models. For the various high-Raynolds turbulence models flow rate of the coolant through the three cross-sections in the central tube of TVS-2M was assessed. While inlet flow rate was known. As result independently of the choice of turbulence model a stable proportion of rates in different sections was achieved. The flow rate near the thermocouple by an average was 0.146 kg / c, which lies between the value of 0.130 kg / c, obtained in the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" with the calculation code SC-1 and 0.160 kg / c, according to JSC «Afrikantov OKBM». The obtained results were used to determine the amount of the methodical error of the temperature measurement, due to hydraulic conditions near thermocouples. Further work is devoted to usage of a more detailed and precise CFD model. 
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