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Evaluation and comparison of longevity of rods made of steel and titanium alloy in high power aircraft engine
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0475907
The authors present results of calculations of endurance of connecting rods in high powered aircraft diesel engine made of titanium alloy BT6 and steel 36MnVS4 which is widely used in the automotive industry. On the basis of these calculations the author makes a comparative evaluation of durability of connecting rods under the assumed engineering processes. There is also assessment of the engine weight reduction and of the level of stress on mating parts.
77-30569/229603 Application of titanium alloys for high-powered aviation diesel connecting rods
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
This article contains information about the possibility of the use of titanium alloys for high-powered aviation engines connecting rods with some modern technological and operational aspects, as well as titanium alloy ВТ6 compared with those applied in the automobile industry steels.
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