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On Competence Clusters and Great Masters
Engineering Education # 04, April 2016
DOI: 10.7463/0416.0835961
Approaches of different epochs ranging from the era of Emperor Nicolas I to nowadays on evaluation and development of abilities, skills and motivation developed by educational system are discussed in terms of notion ‘competence’ recently introduced as the main measure and standard of graduates compliance with the labor market demands. In XIX-XX centuries the benchmark related to real achievements of the graduates dominated, at the turn of the Millennium it accepted more formal and impersonal form. Term ‘competence’ origin and meaning evolution is discussed. Based on the experience of pilot school Proficient English in the Business World (PEBW BMSTU) it is shown that succession and innovation traditions are predefined more by competency, experience and toil of the trainers than by formal templates and guidance documents.
The Role of Students in the University Image and Rating Formation
Engineering Education # 11, November 2015
DOI: 10.7463/1115.0822450
УДК: 378.1
Globalization of the world and, as the result of the process, transition to global educational standards transform education to production industry. The customer of educational system becomes a ‘client’ or ‘product’. Consequently, as a product in the labor market graduate of higher school has to demonstrate competitive advantage. Actually, international university ratings have turned to endurance race – a fight for resources and applicants. Based on the report of PEBW BMSTU trainee (Bauman University, Moscow) at International Congress on Arts, Communications, Science & Technology (Edinburgh, Scotland) a real contribution of student’s international activity to university image and rating is shown.

Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
The article deals with professional training of engineers and situation in the domestic labor market. Higher school situation, industrial assignment and graduates’ employment is analyzed by the main customer of knowledge – a diploma A-level student of the leading engineering university of Russia. Graduates monitoring and adaptation in industry is emphasized as a key factor for successful improvement of training curricula. Lack of domestic industry job opportunities for A-level class graduates possessing high communicative competence stimulates brain drain abroad.
Russian Method in Modern Engineering Elite Training
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
The article presents the retrospective view on the historical Russian method of training of engineers and emphasizes its value on the nurturing of modern Russian engineering elite. The survey is based on the poll of the most successful graduates of the leading Russia’s engineering school – Bauman Moscow State Technical University. These graduates passed intensive training which develops communicative competence, they are experienced in academic mobility or worked for international engineering companies. Based on the comparison of domestic and foreign experience a step aside from the historical method is noticed. The method still has a key value for the country with ruined economy. Issues of graduates motivation and adaptation in the modern labor market, and higher school efficiency are being discussed.
77-30569/230463 Russia’s engineering elite: notion, concept and pilot school
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
Based on the analysis of the origin and current usage of the word «elite», Russia’s engineering elite notion is proposed. Constituent components of the definition are substantiated. Engineering communication competence development concept is proposed in the framework of interdisciplinary training in English – the language of international communication. The main achievements of the pilot training school of Bauman university are presented.
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