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On Some Anisotropy-Based Analysis Problems for Linear Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems with Nonzero-Mean Input Signals
Engineering Education # 04, April 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0414.0704850
The paper presents a novel concept of anisotropy-based analysis for linear discrete-time descriptor systems with nonzero-mean input signals. Descriptor systems are a general case of normal systems. They contain both differential (difference) equations and algebraic ones. The paper offers an algorithm for mean anisotropic computation of the Gaussian stationary random sequence with nonzero mean (on the assumption that, the signal was generated by the shaping filter in descriptor form). The equations for anisotropy norm computation (in the frequency domain) for descriptor systems are developed. Numerical examples are given.

Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2013
77-30569/239840 Path following simulation of wheeled vehicle
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
Stabilization algorithm of the wheeled vehicle on the planned path is studied by means of numerical modeling. Synthesis of stabilization algorithm is based on theory of normal form of the affine system. Smoothing algorithm of the first derivative of curvature in the case of setting the path by parametric cubic spline is suggested. Methods of finding distance from the wheeled vehicle to the planned path are considered. Efficiency of the method is shown, high sensitivity of control to curvature of the path is established.
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