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Engineering Bulletin # 02, February 2017
УДК: 519.174.7
The article presents comparative analysis of algorithms of finding chromatic number for arbitrary graph. There are a lot of algorithms to solve the problem of coloring a graph with minimum colors. This problem is computationally hard, so approximation algorithms of solving it are usually more preferable than exact algorithms because of their quickness. The article presents a comparative study of the two most common graph coloring algorithms: brute-force search – exact algorithm, and implicit enumeration algorithm – approximation algorithm. C program was written to implement the algorithms. As part of the study algorithm speed and relative accuracy of implicit enumeration was determined. The article also presents the examples of algorithms practical implementation.
77-30569/256111 Methods for micro-optical-electrical-mechanical subsystems modeling
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Modeling of MEM subsystems with different physical nature and methods of transition between them, using formal description language VHDL-AMS were considered in this article, based on micro-optical-electrical-mechanical accelerometer with Fabry-Perot interferometer. Optical, mechanical and control subsystems were modeled during the research, the results were included in the article. It was noticed, that the advantages of VHDL-AMS are its versatility, ability to describe mixed analog-digital systems; it’s also supported in many programming complexes, used for MEM modeling
777-30569/249897 Translation algorithm of topology of sub-micron super large scale integration (GSI )
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
The article covers approaches to solving the problem of topology transformation of sub-micron GSI for a dual phototemplate technology. A defined class with many elementary methods is assigned for each topology element. Processing the elements consists in their sequential sorting, analysis of distances between the outlines of geometric primitives to meet the assigned criterion. If the distance between the outlines of geometric primitives does not meet the assigned criterion, separation of the analyzed primitives into two different layers of topology is performed. The authors consider an algorithm of coloring a graph for conducting a topology analysis to study the possibility of transformation for the dual phototemplate technology.
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