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# 11, November 2013
УДК: 004.5
77-30569/216424 Algorithms of interactive augmented reality
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
Research and development of human-machine interfaces, based on a recognition and visualization of multimedia information, is the forward edge in elaboration of modern mathematical methods and software. Developers of such interfaces try to use the natural human ways to communicate with computers through different modalities. Hand gestures of the user are very promising for building such interfaces. The soft-hardware system, that uses a video camera and a pico projector to create an interactive touch pad on a horizontal surface, is presented in the paper. The system creates the simple human-machine dialogue by organizing an additional way to communicate through the projection of graphical user interface. An original computationally efficient algorithms of object recognition and tracking, that provide the interactivity, are presented. The results of experiments and the model of the system are described.
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