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Procedure of choosing an optimal circuit decision in fuzzy conditions on the basis of multi-criteria analysis of alternatives with equilibrium and non-equilibrium criteria
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0465867
One of the most important stages during formation of technical characteristics of a new vehicle is carrying out engineering analysis of the product, formation of circuit design which meets obtained values of influential parameters, realization of the draft design. Under these conditions, decision-making means choosing an alternative which simultaneously meets both fuzzy objectives and fuzzy constraints. The authors of the article developed a method of choosing an optimal circuit design which is characterized by selection in fuzzy conditions on the basis of a multi-criteria analysis of alternatives in equilibrium and non-equilibrium criteria according to the Bellman-Zadeh scheme. The analysis of design maps of possible realization of extra-light high Doppler wheeled vehicles for mountain operational conditions on the basis of domestic production units was carried out by the methods of fuzzy multi-criteria analysis and allowed to choose an optimal circuit design.
Evaluating the effectiveness of control laws for individual drive wheeled propulsion systems
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0403852
The authors present the results of theoretical studies of motion of a wheel transport system with individual power distribution to the wheels with the developed control laws for electromechanical transmission, basing on the principle of redistribution of moments proportional to the relative normal load to be carried by each propeller. The authors studied two versions of the law controlling traction electric motors: "torque" and "the degree of the total power." Advantages of the "degree of use of the total power" approach are proved by the results of mathematical simulation of transport complex movement with the  8 × 8 wheel forumla on the rigid support base for the following cases: ascent, curvilinear motion with a fixed radius, rectilinear acceleration with different intensity effects on the controls (accelerator pedal).
77-30569/282533 Synthesis of control traction motor for individual drive wheeled vehicle
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
The authors give a detailed description of car electromechanical transmission control at the individual distribution of power in the wheels, the main essence of which is proportional to the relative distribution of the normal load to be carried by the wheel. The law is adapted for two versions of drive control: "angular velocity" and "torque". Effectiveness of the law is proved by the results of mathematical simulation of car motion with 8×8 wheel formula on the basis of non-deformable reference to two cases: upgrading (with “angular velocity” control) and curvilinear motion with a fixed radius (with “torque” control). The directions of future research is the need to study car movement with the proposed transmission control in a wide range of external influences ("mixed doubles" motion, acceleration, motion on a deformable substructure, etc.), and also in comparison with the results of movement with traditional transmission patterns.
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