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77-30569/291153 Non-ideal initiation and propagation of detonation in the equipment of ammunition as a factor of stability characteristics of the damaging effect reducing
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
The article deals with the effects of non-ideal initiation and propagation of detonation in the equipment of weapons and ammunition, the basics of principles of operation of which is directed detonation-wave transmission of the explosion energy of charges of condensed explosives. The main causes of these effects and their influence on the functioning of explosive devices are analyzed. The data on the degree of influence of this factor on the stability characteristics of the damaging effect of modern high-performance ammunition was offered for cumulative and shell forming types, designed to destroy armored vehicles at long range.
77-30569/291243 Influence of structural defects on Evolution of detonation wave in high explosive charge
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
Technology imperfections, operational and functional affects on high explosive charges of projectiles and ammunitions cause birth structural defects. Influence mechanisms of compact and flat local defects on the evolution of detonation wave were studied with the help of computational fluid dynamics method. Amplitude of detonation wave front deformations in relation to the compressible behavior of point defects and cracks with different orientations was calculated.
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