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77-30569/303217 Studying feasibility of replacing Allen-Bradley carbonic pressure sensors with over-the-counter resistors
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
Linear calibration dependencies were obtained under static stress with pressures up to 100 MPa for the following resistor types: Xicon, SEI Electronics, Russian TBO resistors and reference Allen-Bradley resistors. Under dynamic loads with pressures up to 0.5 GPa, calibration dependency for a Xicon resistor (rated resistance 470 Ohm, dissipation power 0.25 Wt) is shown to nearly match that of an Allen-Bradley sensor. Feasibility of using Allen-Bradley carbonic sensor calibration dependencies for Xicon resistors is asserted for the pressure range of 5 to 7 GPa. Authentic oscilloscope records of various symmetry flows in homogeneous and heterogeneous mediums, including explosive ones, are provided in order to testify feasibility of using over-the-counter Xicon resistors instead of well-known Allen-Bradley sensors.
elibrary crossref neicon rusycon

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