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Study of parameters of hydrosuspension obtained by ultrajetstream processing
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0468067
The article tells about a promising technology for producing suspensions with different functional specifications. The paper is a preliminary compilation of researches conducted at Moscow State University and  Bauman University on scientific rationale and implementation of the innovative potential of superpower jetstream-dynamic hydro-influence on solid body, - in particular, inkjet hydrotechnology for obtaining ultra-fine-dispersed suspensions. Studies were conducted at the expense of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation № and the RFBR grant 12-08-00802-a.
77-30569/325885 Training and certification of experts in industrial safety of nuclear, gas power plants and complexes based on computer technologies
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
This article is devoted to the main provisions of the training and certification of experts working in the sphere of industrial safety expertize of various power systems, nuclear power plants, gas distribution networks and well storage fields. Proposals were made to improve the personnel training for industrial safety of expert and operating organizations of national fuel and energy complex of Russian Federation; these proposals were based on quality standards of personnel certification and prospect of wide application of computer databases, new mathematical software designed for automated personnel testing.
77-30569/325824 Industrial safety through technological capabilities of ultra-jet diagnostics
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
This article deals with the prospective use of diagnostic ultra-fluid jet in order to ensure the safety of industrial plants. The basic approaches to implementation of this technology, its purpose, features, functionally - diagnostic capabilities and etc. were considered in this work. Some results of theoretical and experimental studies were included.
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