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77-30569/332920 Ranking enterprises of mechanical engineering for estimation of their innovative potential and investment attractiveness
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
Transition to an innovative way of development is a long-term task and, along with revealing the investment appeal, is aimed at results in the future. In this case comparison of financial and technological stability is more important than comparison of financial results. Interpretation of technological stability was defined as an ability of the enterprise to perceive achievements of science and technology, constant perfection of organization and production management on the basis of IT, transition from extensive to intensive technologies, development of personnel potential, transition to the process approach on the basis of reengineering of industrial and business processes. Economic stability is defined by indicators, while technological one is defined by factors. The importance of constantly operating factors was shown by the example of such factors as commercialization of innovations, enterprise competitiveness and the presence of constantly operating program of perfection of organization and production management and sale of production on the basis of IT and reengineering of processes.
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