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Magnetic pulsing compression of high-speed metal elements created by an explosion in free flight
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0496555
Accumulation of micro-damages as a result of intensive plastic deformation leads to decrease in average density of the high-speed elements which are created by an explosive crimping of shaped metal cladding. In order to compress such elements while testing meteorite shield withstandability it is proposed to use the longitudinal magnetic field effect on these elements; the magnetic filed is produced on the mechanical trajectory of elements before their interaction with the target. An installation scheme was developed for implementation of magnetic pulsing compression of high-speed metal elements created by an explosion. Influence of the solenoid’s length and intensity of magnetic field on the effect of compression of steel and aluminum elements is determined on the basis of numerical simulation. It was established that the induction of the influencing magnetic field should be equal approximately to 50 T for steel elements, and about 30 T for aluminum elements.
77-30569/339658 Method of creation of a set of variants for item assembling based on oriented hypergraphs
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The article presents a method of generation of assembly variants for a multipart device. The model of the multipart device is based on oriented hypergraphs of constraints. The oriented hypergraph describes the impossibility of assembly when constructional, technological, economical causes are present. Visual interpretation of the hypergraph is proposed; examples of constructive and technological constraints for the shaped charge are described.
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