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77-48211/425188 Algorithms for assignment of primary keys in filled tables
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
In the article the authors define a set of algorithms required for automated assignment of primary keys in filled relational tables. The problem of assigning primary keys is formulated. Informal algorithms are proposed for assignment of primary keys in filled tables.
77-48211/425211 Models of relational tables and information in tabular form
Engineering Education # 07, July 2012
Structural models of relational tables and information in tabular form are considered in this article. Their similarities and distinct features were revealed. It was stated that the method of transformation of information in tabular form into relational tables was based on exclusion of information which make this model different from a the model of relational tables.
77-48211/425220 Analytical review of traditional approach to the formation of relational tables considering the use of existent information in tabular form
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
The authors consider features of traditional approach to design of relational tables in the presence of tabular style information. It was concluded that the presence of tabular style information allowed to formalize the development process. That, hence, allows to minimize the number of design errors and reduce laboriousness of formation of relational tables.
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