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Engineering Education # 12, December 2014
УДК: 378.1
From a School-Leaver to a Lieutenant: Some Aspects of Officers’ Training S’ in the BMSTU Military Training Center
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
In 2007 a new stage in training of officers began in BMSTU.  As an experiment, 25 fresh students were accepted to study in the newly established training military center of the Military Faculty by officers’ training programs to become the career officers. The University has never trained career officers before, but an accumulated experience allowed to meet the challenge at all stages of its solution. First of all, a different approach to the enrolment was used. Secondly, the educational process for the cadets, who receive both the civil specialties and the military ones, was reorganized. Finally, the first graduates holding the rank of lieutenants were in 2013. Some of them went to serve in the Armed Forces of the RF. Now this training program launched as an experiment in 2007 continues on a regular basis. A new group of cadets is going to enter the training military center in the summer 2014.
77-30569/353104 Double-pulse flights from near-earth waiting orbits to F-orbits of the three-body-problem
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The article provides the results of the author’s study of the possibility of a double-pulse flight to F-orbits of the Earth-Sun system of the three-body-problem from circular waiting orbits near the Earth. It is indicated that F-orbits are stable, which leads to creation of many various possible applications both for research and practical purposes of deep space exploration. The author gives the F-orbit’s energy characteristic and presents possible flight schemes with quantitative estimations of needful impulses of characteristical speed for flights. Typically, the total required impulse of the characteristical speed for the orbital injection of a spacecraft into F-orbit is less than the total expenditure on the ascent to the parabolic orbit. Variants of possible application are generalized in the conclusion.
77-30569/352636 Double-pulse flights to halo-orbits in the three-body problem
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
During preliminary ballistic design possible flights of spacecrafts (SC) to the neighborhood of collinear libration points of the Earth-Sun system with a monopulse scheme are usually considered. However, such a flight handler has significant radial restrictions of the obtained halo-orbit. The article presents the results of the study illustrating the possibility of extraction of a spacecraft to halo-orbit of an arbitrarily small radius as a part of a double-pulse flight from the Earth’s vicinity. The author provides results of numerical simulation which show that the total expenditure on the extraction with double-pulse schemes was significantly lower than the total expenditure on the extraction to the parabolic orbit from the waiting orbit.
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