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77-30569/373951 High efficient pumping sources for pulse semiconductor laser bars
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
Nowadays progress in laser technology is determined by the progress in laser diode pumping. Modern power supply for diode lasers must provide stable output impulses, suppress reverse current surges and maintain stable temperatures of diode arrays. Inter-channel interference and noise immunity problems arising during generation of current impulses were solved. An automated laser test bench was developed; it included a special microprocessor-based circuit to control operation of the pumping source. A scheme of a temperature maintenance channel was developed along with s special regulation algorithm, which allowed to stable laser radiation at frequencies from 30 to 50 Hz with the longest possible impulse lengths. The developed multi-channel pulse-periodic pumping source for diode bars generates current impulses with frequencies up to 50 Hz and durations between 60 and 500 microseconds. The running current of laser diodes can be as high as 250 Amps. Instability of current from impulse to impulse is lower than 0,5 %. Several implemented protection features (both hardware- and software-based) along with modular design increase reliability of the pumping source. The pumping source was used to conduct experimental researches of new laser quantrons with semiconductor pumping developed at The Radio-electronic Technology Research Institute. The latter experiments resulted in some unique findings.
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