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Lever vibration dampener in a mechanical system with an object of protection from vibration, as a solid body on elastic supports
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0465518
The authors consider a mechanical system that has an object of protection in the form of a solid body on two elastic supports. The object of protection has a mass and a moment of inertia and can oscillate around the center of gravity. The dynamic lever vibration dampener has a lever construction and a support point on the object as a rotary joint. Movement of the hinge or choosing a seat for the dampener can significantly change the properties of the system as a whole. Features of the dampener include expression of dynamic properties which depend on the choice of the generalized coordinate system. The authors propose a method of constructing mathematical models and evaluating dynamic properties. They also give results of numerical experiments.
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