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# 07, July 2014
УДК: 004.942
Digital signal processing of the Doppler sensor of volume blood velocity with transient processes in microvasculature
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1212.0506267
The author considers methods of mathematical apparatus and programmed mathematical tools for diagnosing biosystems conditions. This paper describes methods that can be divided into the following classes: a study of the general spectral pattern (Fourier - analysis, JMP); study of time-frequency characteristics of the signal (wavelet - analysis, scalogram, skeleton, selection of signal from noise); study of internal time series (methods of nonlinear dynamics, fractal analysis, R/S-analysis). Special attention is paid to methods of nonlinear dynamics, - in particular, to calculation of the Lyapunov exponent which allows to identify two types of irregularities: noise and chaos. The author describes interconnection of the Lyapunov spectrum and the entropy of dynamical systems. Also the author presents findings on persistence of the investigated physiological systems.
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