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Features of teaching students the basics of mathematical modeling of technical systems on the example of hydro-mechanical devices
Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2015
УДК: 62-82
The paper presents a methodology of training engineering students to mathematical modeling on the example of the hydromechanical device. Author, based on management's experience course project for the course "Dynamics and regulation of hydraulic and Pnevmosila-tems" and the exchange of scientific and research work of students finds necessary-sti gradual feed at train-ing to mathematical modeling. Dismantled example of solving the problem, which allows you to illustrate the main methods of creating mathematical models, set up a system of ordinary differ-ential equations, consider the characteristics of their numerical solution. Presented by the transi-tion from mathematics-cal expressions to the block diagram. As a result of this method of train-ing a student is ready for independent writing mathematical models is simple hydro-tion systems.

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2014
УДК: 621.391.535.8
A control system for an adaptive hydro-pneumatic spring of a wheel machine with a variable elastic characteristic
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0645542
The paper presents a control algorithm for an adaptive hydro-pneumatic spring with smooth changes in the elastic characteristic during the impact of various kinds of dynamic and kinematic disturbances. Analysis of the control object, which allowed to propose a common structure of the automatic control system, was performed. Particular attention was paid to description of control principles inherent to the computing device; the main constraints in the synthesis of the desired elastic properties were also emphasized. Basic options for controlling electro-hydraulic equipment, which can be used in the control system, were described; their brief comparison was conducted. The final part of the article demonstrated working capacity of the developed algorithm by testing it on a mathematical model of a hydro-pneumatic spring. The authors draw a conclusion that the developed control method has several advantages over traditional control methods and could be implemented, using a hardware base available for the domestic industry.
Development of an adaptive law of relay control of three-level damping of elastic damping elements of multi-wheeled vehicles’ suspension
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0567756
The required level of damping a multisupporting oscillatory system, as it is known, depends on the nature of the external impact. In this case, regulation of damping characteristics depending on the operation mode of depreciation systems is one of the main directions of further improvements. Direction of increasing the quality of primary control systems for suspension of multi-wheeled vehicles (MWV) with the number of axes more than three appears to be very promising. A mathematical model and calculation methodology of design parameters of a pneumohydraulic cushion with backpressure and three-level damping for controlled suspensions of multi-axis chassis were developed. An example of calculation of a cushion for MWV suspension with a 8x8 wheel formula and total mass of 60 tons is given. The adaptive law of relay control of MWV suspension system, namely the “inertial damper” adaptive law, was developed with the use of fuzzy logic methods.

# 03, March 2013
УДК: 62-788.2
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