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# 07, July 2013
УДК: 62-98
Development of a low-pressure helium compression control system strategy
Engineering Education # 02, February 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0213.0539096
Cryogenics is now widely used in large accelerator projects using applied superconductivity. Economic considerations require an increase in performance of superconducting devices. One way to achieve this is by lowering their operating temperature and cooling with superfluid helium. For this reason, large cryogenic systems operating at 1.8 K and capable of producing refrigeration capacity in the kW range, have to be developed and implemented. These cryogenic systems require large pumping capacity at very low pressure using integral cold compression or mixed cold-warm compression. The author compares and describes different cooling methods using cold and hybrid cycles along with cycle operational capabilities, and reviews a developed low-pressure helium compression control strategy for these cycles.
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