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Analysing the Influence of the Spontaneous Aneuploidy Frequency on the Cell Population System Cultivation
Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling # 03, June 2015
DOI: 10.7463/mathm.0315.0811443
pp. 16–26

# 02, February 2013
УДК: 517.93
Movement stabilization along the given path for a two-wheeled robot with a differential drive
Engineering Education # 04, April 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0413.0547786
УДК: 517.93
The author considers the problem of movement stabilization along the given path for a two-wheeled robot with a differential drive. Wheeled robots belong to the class of non-holonomic systems, which, as it is generally known, cannot be stabilized in the vicinity of the equilibrium position of a continuously differentiable stationary state feedback. But the task of stabilizing the motion along the given curve is formulated only for part of the variables, so that the use of stationary feedback is possible. The robot model was transformed into a quasi-canonical form, all possible functions which allow one to obtain it were determined. The normal form for the system was built with the use of the distance to the target curve; its zero dynamics was investigated. On the basis of this form the problem of movement stabilization along the path was solved with the use of feedback linearization. The results of computer modeling are presented for particular cases: a circle and a line.
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