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Optical losses in silica based fibers within the temperature range from 300 to 1500 K
Engineering Education # 05, May 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0513.0554843
In this article optical losses within the temperature range from 300 to 1500 K were investigated in visible and NIR spectral ranges for silica based optical fibers for the first time. It was shown that there is a significant increase in optical losses in the temperature range of 1050 - 1200 º C.  Optical losses reach their maximum at the temperature of 1200 º C at the wavelength of 400 nm; the maximum value for a silica-based optical fiber was approximately 5 dB/m, for a germanosilicate fiber ~ 4 dB / m, for a phosphosilicate fiber ~ 1.5 dB / m and for an aluminosilicate fiber ~ 45 dB / m. By the example of the aluminosilicate fiber it was shown that optical losses in the wavelength range of 380-850 nm could be associated with nano- and microcrystalline inclusions which are formed as a result of fiber annealing.
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