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Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2016
УДК: 629.113
Development of an adaptive relay control law for damped suspension of multi-wheeled vehicles in order to prevent linear-angular fluctuations in the housing
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0567732
The required level of damping a multiple-seated oscillatory system, as it is known, depends on the nature of the external impact. In this case, regulation of damping characteristics depending on the operation mode of depreciation systems is one of the main directions of further improvements. Increasing the quality of primary control systems for suspension of multi-wheeled vehicles with the number of axes more than three appears to be very promising. An adaptive relay control law for damped suspension of multi-wheeled vehicles was developed in order to prevent linear-angular fluctuations in the housing. Methods of simulation modeling were used to determine that efficiency (reduction of variance of vertical accelerations at the driver's place compared to the unmanageable suspension) of the adaptive law of counteraction to linear-angular fluctuations is 7...22%. Introduction of an adaptive component increases efficiency of the algorithm by 5...10% compared to the non-adaptive law.
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