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Synthesis of orientation mechanisms for the space observatory “Millimetron”. 3. Synthesis of parallel-structure mechanisms for orientation of the space observatory’s antenna
Engineering Education # 05, May 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0513.0571127
This is the third paper in the series of four works dedicated to design of parallel mechanisms for orientation of the space observatory “Millimetron”». In this work, a method of synthesis of plain six-link mechanisms with three degrees of freedom was proposed. This method takes into account restrictions imposed by requirements to orientation of the space observatory’s antenna. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is decomposition of the synthesized mechanism into two more simple mechanisms – a double pendulum mechanism and a two-beam mechanism. The first mechanism has two degrees of freedom and is designed for maintaining a point in a constant position; the second mechanism’s output link rotates around the first one by a specific angle. All unknown sizes of the mechanism’s links and turning angles were determined in this work. The authors defined a dependence of the turning angle of the output link on the turning angle of the input link of the two-beam mechanism that is a transfer function. Besides, the problem of maintaining an invariable position of the center of mass of the space observatory’s antenna was considered when changing its orientation.
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