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Numerical modeling of vortex non-steady flow field of viscous gas and acoustic characteristics based on the open source project for calculating the flow around aircraft
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0605410
This paper shows the possibility of using the open source CFD software package OpenFOAM and developed methods for calculating unsteady vortex flow fields and acoustic fields in studying the flow around aircraft. Numerical calculations of aerodynamic characteristics of an airbrake mounted on the fuselage of an aircraft were conducted. A hybrid model of turbulence using RANS and LES approaches was defined. Curle’s acoustic analogy was used for calculation. Flow fields of the aircraft and acoustic performance were obtained. Pulsations acting on the tail fin induced by an airbrake were also analyzed. It was determined that pulsations of a lateral force on the fin of an aircraft caused by airbrake was 6 times more than pulsations in absence of the airbrake; and the sound pressure level was more than 50 dB.
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