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Diffraction nonreciprocity of counterpropagating waves in a ring prismatic resonator with a diffraction photomixer
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0616142
This article deals with investigation of diffraction nonreciprocity of a ring prismatic resonator; in this case the diffraction nonreciprocity is conditioned by presence of a diffraction photomixer and a sharp edge diaphragm. Dependences of diffraction splitting on the photomixer’s location relative to the resonator’s axis at various sizes of a single-sided diaphragm with a sharp edge were determined by means of solving an integral equation of the ring resonator numerically. The author obtained relation between displacement of the photomixer relative to the resonator’s axis and size of the sharp edge diaphragm when there was no diffraction nonreciprocity. The derived conclusions could be useful for design and modernization of laser gyrometers with resonators formed by total internal reflection prisms.
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