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Engineering Bulletin # 12, December 2015
УДК: 004.457
The article describes the concept of development a print management system of documents. Defined purpose of the system and its basic functionality. Offered a standard set of system components and describes their functions and the means for practical implementation. The print management system of documents designed to centrally manage printing in the organization to reduce costs of consumables and ensure the confidentiality of information. This concept is universal sufficient. It can be applied to development a print management system documents in the University (for example BMSTU) and its units.

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2013
77-48211/637968 The concept of development and organization of a system of transparent access to large files and RAID in a distributed heterogeneous environment
Engineering Bulletin # 09, September 2013
УДК: 004.63
For realization of transparent access to files in the distributed cross-platform environment and to RAID it is offered to create file archive with possibility of fast search of files on parameters or on a template. In article the basic principles of development of file archive which consists of the RAID, a database with a meta-information, the ftp-server and client part are considered. Offers on structure and architecture of a program complex, structure of a database, technology of access to data, algorithms of ensuring transactions and detection of duplicates of files are developed. The offered concepts are universal and can be applied when developing the concrete application.
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