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Investigation of optical disruptive discharges in complex gaseous mixtures
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0669474
Optical, electrical and combined electro-optical thresholds of disruptive discharges for noble gases, their binary and triple mixtures of different compositions were experimentally evaluated. The possibility of mutual reduction in discharge thresholds at a simultaneous optical and electrical impact on gas was studied along with the possibility of reduction in thresholds of a combined discharge when basic gas has additions of another gas are made. It was shown that reduction in the threshold of an optical discharge in the presence of an electric field was quite significant at low pressures. For the first time mutual suppression (negative interference) of gaseous dopants’ effect on changes in discharges’ thresholds (both optical and electro-optical) in case of triple gas mixtures was demonstrated.
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