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Damage accumulation and strain of fiber reinforced composites
Engineering Education # 01, January 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0114.0687557
УДК: 539.4 620.22
In design of thin-walled structures made of fiber reinforced composites it is necessary to provide a reliable determination of resistance to load-bearing exposures. Model representations of damage accumulation were described in this paper; it was show that an adequate description is possible with a use of hereditary-type relations. Approaches allowing us to perform nonlinear strain estimation were proposed. Elastic properties of a unidirectional layer and stress-strain curves were used as initial data. Matrix algorithms for constructing constitutive equations for unidirectional and layered composites were developed. Proposed approaches could be used in strength optimization of fiber reinforced materials and in numerical methods of calculating and forecasting mechanical behavior of composite materials and their elements.
A model of nonlinear strain and damage accumulation in polymer composites
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0687567
This paper presents a model to predict a nonlinear strain of the carbon laminate; the model is based on the relations between the theory of laminated plates and the non-linear approximation of deformation curve of unidirectional layer at the shear in the layer plane. The explicit expressions of stiffness and compliance matrices were obtained via multiplying the matrices that correspond to the elastic characteristics by the matrices, considering the non-linear properties of the laminate. The paper suggests an approximation option for the non-linear properties of the layer at the shear using an exponential function. Some considerations on damage accumulation in carbon laminates were made.
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