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Numerical investigation of heat transfer in flat vortex channels
Engineering Education # 01, January 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0114.0696278
УДК: 536.24
The vortex channels is the method of heat transfer intensification which combines increase of surface area (finned wall) and enhanced convective cooling. The vortex channels is a duct formed by combination of two plates with milled fins intersected at different angles. The investigation of heat transfer and hydraulic characteristics in vortex channels was carried out by means of CFD. Flow was simulated in wide range of Reynolds numbers, heat and hydraulic characteristics were obtained for this duct. It was shown that the sum intensification effect is comprised of convective component and the effect of surface area increase. It was shown that flat vortex channels provide to transfer the higher heat flux, than finned wall at the same conditions.
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