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The Comparison of Methods for Genetic and Variational Genetic Programming Using a Control Synthesis Problem for the Model "Predator-Victim" as an Example
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0709252
The paper compares two methods of symbolic regression, namely a method of genetic programming and a variational method of genetic programming. The comparison is based on the computing experiment, which solves a problem of control system synthesis for a model of nonlinear control object, describing the interaction of the two systems i.e. "predator" and "victim". For the purity of the experiment the genetic algorithms parameters in both methods were identical. For variational genetic programming there was selected a trivial basic solution in the form of the sum of input variables products for custom settings. This basic solution is always chosen with a lack of meaningful task analysis. The methods are compared both in terms of the speed for problem solving and in terms of the quality of the achieved control.
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