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Plasma Powder Coating of Rods of Hydraulic Cylinders with White Wear Resistance Cast Iron
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0709302
The article considers the features to form a structure and properties of Fe-C-Cr-V system coverings provided by the plasma and powder coating on the low carbon steel. It is shown that it is possible to restore a rod of hydraulic cylinders of small diameter by the plasma and powder coating. Thus, to avoid buckling and provide the built-up metal structure with the best wear resistance it is necessary to find a reasonable approach to a choice of the operation conditions to provide coating. The paper offers a way for efficient control of heat input at coating and a superheat value of the welding bath.  It is noted that the coverings, which have been built up at the smallest heat input in a substrate, possess the best wear resistance, with a fusion zone formed with an austenitic crystallization interlayer.
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