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Research of the Multipolar Induction Traction Frequency Regulated Motor
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0709521
The paper considers the application features of traction induction electric motors in transmissions of vehicles. It shows that one of important stages in their designing is to choose the number of poles. The analysis of the initial multi-polar traction induction motor is given as a part of the traction electric drive. The paper presents results of its simulation characteristics in the structure with vector control and estimates their compliance with the given traction characteristic. It is established that because of increased alternating frequency of currents in the range of high speeds there is an excessive decrease in the torque and the requirement for constancy of the target capacity, corresponding to the typical traction characteristic is not fulfilled. Given calculation results of electromagnetic field distribution in a groove of the engine stator are used to establish a substantial growth of additional losses in the engine, and an extent of flow loss because of damping actions of eddy currents in the laminated steel of stator at increased frequencies is estimated. The traction induction motor alternative with the improved characteristics is proved.
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