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High-Frequency Electro-Thermal Processing of Secondary Non-Metallic Raw Materials
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0712029
The article aims to give a physical representation of the electro-thermal equipment operation to enhance its application capabilities in recycling the secondary raw material and describes a number of electrothermics technology applications in this area. The article presents a comparative analysis of the results of the high-frequency and microwave heating. As an example of wastes recycling of the forestry and woodworking industry, is shown an efficient use of high-frequency equipment in the technological processes of drying. The article offers the technological tooling developed by authors for forming the fuel briquettes. This technological equipment allows the use of thermo-mechanical method of their drying. The article describes experimental research results of waste processing of oil-petrol-resistant flexible PVC, cooking fuel briquettes, and facing materials from sawdust, which use a modifying additive as a crumb from the polyethylene waste, thereby increasing the durability of fuel briquettes, warmth, and stability of its combustion. Results of done work have shown the prospects for using the RF power to process the wastes of wood, plastic, and oil-petrol-resistant PVC.
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