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Improving Accuracy of Processing by Adaptive Control Techniques
Engineering Education # 06, June 2016
DOI: 10.7463/0616.0842276
pp. 162-173

Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2015
УДК: 517.977.5
An important task of modern mathematical statistics methods which are based on the theory of probability is a scientific evaluation of measurement results. There are certain costs in the control, and with ineffective control when the customer gets poor quality products, these costs increase significantly. Therefore, remains the problem of forming rational methods of control in order to provide a given quality level and its improvement.In-cycle measuring sensors are widely used in mechanical engineering. They allow to improve the technological capabilities of the machines and increase the productivity of machining operations. Methods for controlling the precision were developed for efficient process control by using necessary adjustments in the control algorithm. A comparison of the results of random process control with the author algorithm and GOST R 50779.27-2007 method for the Weibull distribution was showed to prove the efficiency.

Engineering Bulletin # 09, September 2015
УДК: 517.977.5
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