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KENYA: High-speed internet for technical colleges

Technical institutions in Kenya are set to benefit from high-speed internet in the next financial year in a government-led initiative. The move will help institutions share resources and improve the quality of research, writes Fredrick Obura for The Standard.

The Ministry of Higher Education said it was working with the Kenya Education Network, which is the national network that promotes the use of ICT in teaching, learning and research in higher education institutions. The partnership will help lay the groundwork for next year's project aimed at connecting 48 technical institutions.

"We are going to link up all the 48 institutions across the country. We have already connected some in our pilot project, but expect to offer connectivity to remaining institutions in the next financial year," said Salome Gichura, a director at the higher education ministry. "The initiative would enable colleges to share resources, improve on the quality of research and easily enable our economy to shift from rain-fed agriculture to a knowledge-based one," she said.

Source: The Standard & University World News
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